Our Services

Our clinic offers a comprehensive range of services for respiratory health.

Diagnosis and Management of Asthma and Allergic Conditions

Identifying triggers and customizing treatment plans for asthma and allergies.

Advanced Pulmonology Consultation

Expert evaluations for complex respiratory diseases, offering second opinions and advanced care strategies.

Lung Cancer Screening and Management

Early detection through screening, followed by comprehensive treatment plans for lung cancer patients.

Interventional Pulmonology

Minimally invasive procedures for diagnosing and treating lung conditions, improving patient outcomes with less recovery time.

Sleep Medicine Services

Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, to improve nighttime breathing and overall health.

Respiratory Critical Care

Intensive care for patients with severe respiratory conditions, utilizing the latest technologies and treatments.

Pulmonary Rehabilitation

Tailored exercise and education programs to improve the health and functioning of patients with pulmonary diseases.

Advanced Diagnostic and Therapeutic Bronchoscopy

Use of bronchoscope for both diagnosis and treatment, including biopsies and tumor removal.

Management of Tuberculosis and Fungal Infections

Specialized care for patients with TB and fungal infections, focusing on targeted treatment and recovery.